KnowledgeCurry smart elearning platform | CBSE | JEE | NEET | Engineering & Medical exams
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Video Library
Very elaborative content with 50,000+ minutes play time.
Explains complex concepts in a very simple way.
Can rewind/replay multiple times for revision.
Very exhaustive around relevant 40,000+ Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) covered from past 40 years different exams.
Tests consist of small tutorial chapter-wise & around 4,000+ total tests present.
Multiple attempts can be taken of Tests to improve scores & get more hands-on.
Exams consist of all the mixture of questions of all chapters as per weightages & around 100+ total exams present.
Past occurred exams are also available from year 2012 - till date (last 13 years) which supplements the best practice.
Multiple attempts can be taken of Exams to improve scores & get more hands-on.
Notes are of 3 types such as Summary Notes, Detailed Notes & eBooks of NCERT TextBooks.
It consists of chapter-wise & very valuable knowledge powerpack for students.
Explains complex concepts in very simple way & help students to understand it thoroughly.
Articles are generic in nature which gives other information to enhance general thoughts.
Consists of the rich source of interviews of successful students, dos & don'ts, how to achieve etc generally such question students have.
It sets mindset of students to achive best of his/her potential.
Reports are the scientific way to track the progress of a student.
Provides insight of strengths & weaknesses chapter-wise for the subjects.
Also consist of reports such as System Access Report, Question Analysis Report, Total Coverage Report etc.
The dashboard provides detailed insight into study data of a student in numeral form.
It shows analytical data of Tests & Exams Performances with Subject, Chapter wise in-depth detailed analysis matrix.
Also shows data of Study Hours student studied by last 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, 3 months, etc..!
Email Services
Reports can be shared by emails to the teachers, parents as well as to others.
Parents would be always aware of student's progress.
It provides feedback to the students/parents/teachers. So a students can do analysis & on that basis corrective actions can be taken.
Parental App
Parental App is one & unique facility available 1st time in India, from which parents can get updated study information of there child.
It has several features by which parents can be helped with, such as -
Is your child currently studying or not studying..!
How many hours he/she studied by last 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, 3 months, etc..!
Tests & Exams Performances with Subject, Chapter wise in-depth detailed analysis matrix.
Also able to see pdf graphical reports which can be shared to anyone by email as well.
See Videos for details